We are so grateful for our Ushers and Greeters. They share their time & talent in this extremely important ministry. The Ushers are important to the comfort and safety of all those who come to our parishes to worship the Lord. It is through the Ushers’ and the Greeters' Ministry that we welcome and ensure the comfort and safety of our congregants.
The Usher is one of the oldest ministries in the Church. The first ushers were called Porters. Our modern ushers are the modern version of the Clerical Order of Porters. In the first centuries of the Church Porters guarded the doors of the church to prevent intruders from interrupting the Mass. Today the Usher and the Greeters are the faces of our Parishes. The first person that a visitor or even someone interested in the joining Church may encounter.
Our Greeters are truly the face of our parishes. They greet parishioners and visitors as they enter the church for a service. They hand out worship aids and help direct and welcome everyone attending the service.