We are a Faith-filled sororal organization
bringing together women of St. Peter’s
and other Parishes to promote devotion
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
United in Faith, we support one another,
our parish and our cluster community
while striving to share the love of God with those in need.
MEMBERSHIP: Any Catholic woman, 18 years or older, belonging to St. Peter’s or any other Parish may become a member of St. Peter’s Sacred Heart Sodality.
Dates for our 10 am. to 11:30 am meetings on Sunday mornings and important events:
September 8th first meeting
October 20th meeting
November 17th meeting
December 8th - Christmas Breakfast in the Hall
Break in meetings for winter months
March 9th meeting
April 13th meeting
May 4th Communion Breakfast
June 8th meeting
Please check the Bulletins for schedule changes or updates.
Our Officers for the year are:
Linda Earley, President
Carolyn Mitchell, Vice President
Maria DiMillo, Treasurer
Lea Foley, Secretary
Erika Chamberlain, Prayer Advocate
DUES: Annual dues are $10, payable at the March meeting or at application.
For more information, please contact the Pastoral Center or President, Linda Earley