This coming Thursday and Friday, February 29th and March 1st, we will be hosting a Lenten Mission at the Cathedral. Fr. John Grieco has graciously agreed to come up and provide us with presentations for these two evenings, as well as assisting with confessions. Each evening begins with a simple meal so that you do not have to worry about trying to figure out dinner. Each evening concludes with a time of quiet prayer with the Blessed Sacrament while confessions are made available.
Last weekend St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians urged us: “Now is an acceptable time, now is the day of salvation.” Yes, there are many things to do. Yes, we are often overwhelmed and tired because of all our commitments. Yes, it is not easy to leave the house and go out in the evening when it is cold and our houses are warm and comfortable. All the more reason to make the extra effort. We need to be reminded why it is that we do all the things we do, reminded about what is truly important in life, reminded of the goodness of God and his closeness to us, and reminded of the encouragement and strength we find in one another. We cannot content ourselves with a life limited to obligations only – because God never obliges us to spend time with him. Instead, he gently invites us: “Come, follow me.” There is nothing in it for him. He is not like the car dealership or doctor’s office or business that will call you and text you and email you incessantly until you respond. He’s not selling you something. He’s offering himself to you and asking that you offer yourself to him: it’s a relationship, not a transaction.
For many of us, daily life is chock full of transactions without much relational depth, leaving us feeling depleted and withdrawn. The way out is not easy, because it requires us to reach out of ourselves to God and neighbor even when we don’t feel like we have the stamina or temperament. Yet, consider the alternative: to settle more and more each day into an isolated, dull, and dreary blur of transactional interactions that slowly starve and choke our capacity to love and be loved.
Now is an acceptable time. Now is the day of salvation. My hope is that many of you will be able to set aside time and come to the Lenten Mission. Offer this time to God so that he can strengthen your faith and renew your dedication to him and to serving your brothers and sisters. Please register online this week, as this allows us to better prepare for the meals that will be served each night:
Know of my prayers for you and your families this Lent!